Ingrown Toenail Treatment

When a toenail grows into the skin at its corner, it's referred to as an ingrown toenail. This common issue often arises from improper toenail trimming, particularly when the corners are tapered. Generally, ingrown toenails aren't severe and can be managed at home. However, if you have diabetes or suspect an infection, it's advisable to seek medical attention.
If you're grappling with the discomfort and pain of an ingrown toenail, rest assured that you have come to the right place. The specialists for ingrown toenails at Footworks will provide you with optimal care for all your podiatry concerns.
Underlying Causes of Ingrown Toenails
Various factors can contribute to ingrown toenails, including:
Improper nail trimming. Cutting the corners of nails too short or too round can cause the nail to grow into the skin.
Ill-fitting footwear.
Tearing to the nail's corner.
Toenail fungus or thickened toenails.
Toe trauma, such as being stepped on or bumped.
Toe shape. For instance, a larger nail compared to the toe or naturally expanding tissue around the nail's edge.
Your walking style
Activities and sports
Recognizing Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails
Minor ingrown toenails can feel hard and swollen. If the nail grows into the skin or if the skin grows over the nail's edge, bacteria might enter, leading to infection. Signs of an infected ingrown toenail include:
Presence of pus or fluid in the toe.
Redness or darkening of the affected area.
Elevated temperature or warmth in the toes.
Factors that Increase Ingrown Toenail Risk
The risk of ingrown toenails is influenced by:
younger people suffer from increased foot perspiration, softening the nails and skin.
Nail care habits such as excessively short nails or rounded corners encourage nail growth into the skin.
Inability to properly care for nails.
Wearing shoes that constrict the toes.
Engaging in activities that pose a risk to the toes, such as running or kicking.
Having a disease that reduces blood flow, such as diabetes or cancer.
Complications Associated with Ingrown Toenails
Complications can be particularly severe for individuals with diabetes, which can lead to reduced blood flow and nerve damage in the foot. Minor foot injuries, including cuts, scrapes, ingrown toenails, corns, and calluses may not heal properly and cause infections.
When to Seek Professional Care
Podiatrist and ingrown toenail specialists should be consulted if you are facing any of the following issues:
Signs of an infection, such as pus or liquid discharge, severe pain, or redness.
Diabetes with associated complications.
Undergoing treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy.
Blood circulation problems.
Treatments for Ingrown Toenails
Thinning and proper cutting of the toenail, including the side of the nail.
Removal and skin and debris around and under the nail that builds up casing pressure and pain.
Education on proper nail-cutting techniques.
Nail bracing: Nail braces can be used to reduce the curvature of the toenail
Partial Nail Removal: For more severe cases (inflamed skin, pus, and discomfort), the ingrown portion of the nail is trimmed or removed after numbing the toe. Your toenail may take two to four months to regrow.
Treat Your Ingrowing toenails with Footworks Podiatry
Prevent painful toenails from affecting your quality of life. At Footworks Podiatry, we are dedicated to helping you restore your healthy feet and nails.
Your toenails should not hold you back from enjoying the activities you love. Schedule an appointment with us for a consultation and embark on your journey to healthier feet. Come to us for nail fungus treatment and comprehensive foot care solutions.
We have appointments immediately available. Call us today to book an appointment with our podiatrist at +65 9437 1000​​​​​​​​